
Our articles talk about body image, loneliness, sleep issues, male mental health, and many more topics around supporting good mental health and preventing mental health problems. These articles aim to give you tips and advice on how to look after your mental health or how to help others with theirs.

Body image

Having body image concerns is a relatively common experience and is not a mental health problem in and of itself; however, it can be a risk factor for mental health problems.

15 tips for men

We asked men on Instagram ‘what do you do to look after your mental health when things get tough?'. Read their tips below

How to support someone with a mental health problem

We all go through tough times and people help us through them. Read our blog on how to support someone with a mental health problem.

Random acts of kindness

Research shows that helping others can be beneficial to our own mental health, it can reduce stress, improve our emotional well-being and even benefit our physical health.

Tips to look after your mental health during scary world events

Scary world news can affect our mental health. We have created some advice to help you cope and support your loved ones during these uncertain times.

What are the health benefits of altruism?

Altruism is when we act to promote someone else's welfare, even at a risk or cost to ourselves. Read our five tips on how altruism can benefit our mental health.

Ten top tips for good sleep

It can sometimes be hard to get a regular good night's sleep when dealing with the pressures of daily life. We have come up with ten top tips on how to get a good night’s sleep.

What advice would you give to someone lacking in motivation?

It can sometimes be hard to find the motivation to actively get involved with activities that are good for your mental health, especially when we are struggling with mental health problems. We asked the general public for their top tips on overcoming a lack of motivation.

Ways to look after your mental health at times of political uncertainty

Political uncertainty can negatively affect our mental health. But there are ways to minimise the effect that events outside our control can have on how we feel.

Loneliness help and advice

Coping strategies to help you deal with loneliness and prevent the negative feelings and mental health problems that can come with it.

Uni and mental health: tips for students

Advice for university students around living away from home, managing finances, meeting new people, dealing with the pressure and expectations of university and making big life decisions.

15 things to do if you're feeling lonely

Tips and advice to help you cope with feelings of loneliness and isolation. Written with care, for you, by young people.

Talking to your children about healthy internet use

It can be hard knowing how to keep your children safe and healthy online. But there are ways you can minimise the negative impact on your child, while encouraging healthy internet use to maximise the benefits.

Gaming log

A way for you to track how you feeling when you're playing games, and how your feelings affect what you play, how you play and which games leave you feeling good or worse.

Top tips on building connections at university

We asked student for their top tips on building connections at university.

Suicide prevention

There are things we can all do in situations where we are worried about someone who we think may be at risk of suicide. Talking can really make a difference.

Change, loss and bereavement

We have all been through times of change, and some of us have experienced loss of different types, including the profound loss experienced when someone close to us dies. Here we offer a few self-help suggestions that might help you with difficult feelings you may experience.

Relationships at work: our top tips for managers

How our top tips for healthy relationships apply to working life, and in particular to the line management relationship.

How to understand and manage your emotions

It's never too late to learn how to manage your feelings. Read our top 9 tips.