Every year mental ill-health affects more people than cancer, yet research into mental health problems receives a small fraction of the funds.
Facts alone are only part of the story. We are passionate and determined to pursue our vision – we want good mental health for all. Our research will help answer the vital questions about what causes mental health problems and how to tackle them. With prevention at the heart of what we do, we provide resources, information and advice to enable people to live mentally healthy lives.

Our work is life-changing and lifesaving, and we are committed to it
Our work cannot, and will not, stop until we realise our vision of a world with good mental health for all. So, after you have provided for your loved ones, we hope you will consider adding a gift in your Will to us. We really depend on these special gifts to continue our work for a mentally healthy society for all.
I am leaving a gift to the Mental Health Foundation in my Will because I believe in its excellence and its ability to be a force for change in mental health across the UK. Its research and campaigning work are exemplary.
My concern about mental health comes from personal experience - as a sufferer and as a volunteer in a mental health information project. I support a number of charities, but I’m particularly impressed with the Mental Health Foundation in its unbiased, open-minded search for appropriate therapies.
I’ve lived with depression on and off for the whole of my adult life. What got me through was the information and podcasts from the Mental Health Foundation. It made me realise that the way I was feeling could happen to anyone and that I am not alone.
Every kind of gift is hugely appreciated. You don’t need to leave a large amount – a gift in your will, will have a big effect on our work. Many people choose to leave a residuary gift (a share of an estate) as it usually maintains or increases value over time, but every single gift is welcome. You have our assurance that your gift will be administered professionally and sensitively. It's important to remember that every gift from a will that we receive is free from inheritance tax.
Including a gift to Mental Health Foundation in your will is really straightforward. All you have to do is give your solicitor or will writing firm our registered address and charity numbers:
Mental Health Foundation, Studio 2, 197 Long Lane, London SE1 4PD.
Registered charity no 801130 (England and Wales) and SC039714 (Scotland).
Have you already made a will? You can add the Mental Health Foundation to your will by completing a codicil. This document changes or is used when additions are made to an existing will and must be read in conjunction. We always recommend you contact a solicitor if you wish to draw up a codicil.
We have further information about how to leave a gift in your Will, which we would be delighted to provide you with. If you would like this information or have any questions on leaving a gift in your will to the Mental Health Foundation or want to talk about our work, do contact our dedicated supporter care team on 020 7803 1100 or email supporter@mentalhealth.org.uk .
We’re around Monday to Friday during office hours, and if you call at another time, please leave a message, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Whatever you decide, thank you so much for taking the time to consider adding the Mental Health Foundation to your Will.