A series of short, captivating films that can be used in refugee communities to support mental health.
Staying mentally well
This video tells the story of Mariam, a refugee, and shares seven tips on how to stay mentally well.
Watch the video with Arabic subtitles (نصائح لصحة عقلية جيدة)
Watch the video with Pashto subtitles (په روحی توګه صحی پاتی کیدل)
Watch the video with Dari subtitles (از نظر روانی خوب ماندن)

Mindful communication for better mental health
This video helps create understanding, supportive conversations about mental health and includes tips and advice on mindful communication.
Watch the video with Arabic subtitles (التواصل اليقظ لصحة نفسية أفضل)
Watch the video with Pashto subtitles (د هوښیارۍ محاوره)
Watch the video with Dari subtitles (ارتباط آگاهانه برای سلامت روان بهتر)

This is what hope looks like
This video tells the stories of people in refugee communities, and shows us what hope can look like in real life.
Watch the video with Arabic subtitles (هذا ما يبدو عليه الأمل)
Watch the video with Pashto subtitles (دا هغه څه دي چې امید ورته ښکاري)
Watch the video with Dari subtitles (این چیزی است که امید به نظر می رسد)

For more information, please email Msaki@mentalhealth.org.uk (Programme Development Officer, Refugees and Asylum Seekers).
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