Partnerships and coalitions

The Mental Health Foundation is committed to working with leading mental health organisations in the UK to maximise our effectiveness and impact.

Together we have a stronger voice and a more significant influence on policy and services and can make an even bigger difference in people's lives. 

We regularly work with the EU, WHO Europe, the Council of Europe, Mental Health Europe, EUFAMI and national Governments. In 2022, the Foundation is proud to partner with the following organisations. 

1. Mental Health Policy Group

The Mental Health Policy Group comprises six national organisations working together to improve mental health through policy advocacy comprised of the Centre for Mental Health, Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Network, Mind, Rethink Mental Illness and the Royal College of Psychiatrists. 

2. Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition

Our work as lead partner in The Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition brings together children and young people's mental health charities to campaign with and on behalf of children and young people. 

3. National Voices

National Voices is a coalition of more than 190 health and social care charities in England. The coalition works to strengthen the voice of patients, service users, carers, and their families in healthcare policy and system design.

4. Mental Health Alliance

Working as part of the Mental Health Alliance, we monitor the impact of the Mental Health Act 1983 in England and Wales and ensure safeguards for people subject to the Act.

5. Maternal Mental Health Alliance

The Maternal Mental Health Alliance is a network of more than 100 organisations dedicated to improving mental health outcomes for women and families affected by perinatal mental health problems. The network aims to bring together voices of lived experience with clinical and professional expertise to work towards high-quality, comprehensive perinatal mental health care.

6. State of Nature Campaign

These campaigns aim to protect the quality of England's nature and ensure everyone can easily access nature-rich spaces. The Foundation joined these campaigns following Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, which focused on nature and mental health and found that connection with nature is central to our experience of mental health.

7. Mental Health and Smoking Partnership

Established in 2016, this partnership has been formed to drive forward action on the back of the publication of the ASH report The Stolen Years: Smoking and Mental Health Action Report.

8. Equally Well

Equally Well originates from an initiative in New Zealand which promotes action to improve physical health among people with mental illness. In England, it is hosted by the Centre for Mental Health and Rethink Mental Illness. Equally Well is coproduced with an Expert by Experience Group and a Clinical Group, with all decisions being made jointly by these groups. Equally Well hosts a Charter for Equal Health.