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Our work
Body image: How we think and feel about our bodies
Body image: We are more than what we look like
Cancer and Mental Health
Coronavirus: Mental Health in the Pandemic Study in Scotland
Coronavirus: Mental Health in the Pandemic Study
Coronavirus: The divergence of mental health experiences during the pandemic
Empowering people through physical activity
Evaluation of Mental Capacity Assessment in England and Wales
Experiences of poverty stigma and mental health in the UK
Gaming and mental health
Healthy social media report
Increasing the visibility of seldom-heard groups in co-producing health economics research: guidance for civil society organisations
Kindness research briefing
Loneliness and Mental Health report - UK
Mental health in Northern Ireland: Fundamental Facts
Mental health in Northern Ireland: Fundamental Facts
Nature: How connecting with nature benefits our mental health - Scotland
Nature: How connecting with nature benefits our mental health
Our top tips on connecting with nature to improve your mental health
Resilience across the UK during the coronavirus pandemic
See Me Scotland: Research, Learning and Evaluation
Supporting and expanding green social prescribing to address mental health inequalities in London
The COVID-19 Pandemic, Financial Inequality and Mental Health in Scotland
The COVID-19 pandemic, financial inequality and mental health
The journey to wellbeing - Refugees, transport, and mental health in Northern Ireland
The journey to wellbeing - Refugees, transport, and mental health
Thriving Learners
Transport and public mental health
Voices of lived experience: The impact of seeking sanctuary on mental health and wellbeing
Later life programmes
Standing Together
Programmes for families, children and young people
SITUATE project
The MHF Young Leaders
Together to Thrive
Young Mums Connect
Young Mums Together
Covid Response Programme
Living Well: Emotional Support Matters
Refugee programmes
Beyond Visibility
Learning Partner Approach
Long Covid Peer Support
Mental Health for Better Days
Past programmes
Pathways to Wellbeing
Programmes for adults
Small Talk
What is the value of peer support?
Policy and advocacy
2021 Scottish Parliament election campaign
Body image and mental health: our policy perspective
Children and Young People Consultation – Scotland
Climate change and mental health: our policy perspective
Conversion Therapy
Diverse Experiences Advisory Panel (DEAP)
Fair Work Consultation
General Election 2024: Our policy calls
Holyrood 2021: How did we do?
Loneliness policy briefing - England
Make it Count: policy briefing
Making Prevention Happen: How to improve mental health and well-being for everyone in Wales
Mental Health Policy Group (MHPG)
Mental Health and Climate Change - COP26
Mental Health and Nature Policy Briefing for England
Mental Health and Nature Policy Briefing for Wales
Mental Health and Well-being Plan Consultation – England
Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Scotland 2022
Mental health and the cost-of-living crisis report: Another pandemic in the making?
Nature and mental health: our policy perspective
Perinatal Mental Health Services Consultation – Scotland
Planning for Prevention: Unlocking the potential of Integrated Care Systems to create a mentally healthy society
Putting prevention at the heart of national and local systems in England: our policy perspective
The mental health of asylum seekers and refugees: policy perspective
Trauma-informed practice: our policy perspective
Universal Basic Income – Scotland
Why kindness matters in public policy
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust: Mental Health Fellowships
Zero-hours contracts and mental health
Public engagement
Behind the Books
Loneliness in Young People
Mental Health Awareness Week
Stories about anxiety
Strava Challenge
Uncertain times: Anxiety in the UK and how to tackle it
What can we do to cope with feelings of anxiety?
Mental health in schools: Make it Count
What's Up with Everyone?
Every Mind Matters
Green ribbon for mental health awareness
Healthy relationships
Healthy Relationships with ourselves and our peers - schools pack
Learning about healthy relationships
Top tips on building and maintaining healthy relationships
Our work on men's mental health
Suicide prevention
World Mental Health Day
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Tea & Talk for World Mental Health Day
Wear it Green Day
Take part in Wear it Green Day
Take part in Wear it Green Day
Curry & Chaat
MHF Live
Fundraising at your school
Fundraising tips and resources
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Third party events terms and conditions
Mental Health Awareness Week
Ways to donate
Celebrate your wedding by supporting good mental health for all
Donate to the Mental Health Foundation
Donate to support the Mental Health Foundation for Mental Health Awareness Week
Help us break the cycle this Mental Health Awareness Week
Help us give young people someone to talk to
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Explore mental health
How to understand and manage your emotions: 9 top tips
Looking after your mental health during the holidays
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A diverse and inclusive workplace
Our joint letter to Sir Keir Starmer about the online safety act
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Aisha Sheikh-Anene
Annual reports
Annual reports and key documents
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Research in England
Programmes in England
Later life programmes in England
Past programmes in England
Programmes for Adults in England
Programmes for families, children and young people in England
Policy and advocacy in England
Make it Count: policy briefing
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Annual reports
Our work
Research in Scotland
Loneliness research and policy report - Scotland
Refugee Health Policy and Strategy Action Group
Programmes in Scotland
Refugee programmes in Scotland
Past programmes in Scotland
Programmes for Adults in Scotland
Programmes for families, children and young people in Scotland
Voices of Experience (VOX)
Policy and advocacy in Scotland
Make it Count: policy briefing (Scotland)
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Prosiectau Ymchwil a Gwerthuso
Natur: Sut mae cysylltu â natur o fudd i'n hiechyd meddwl
Rhaglenni Cymru
Dull Partner Dysgu
Prosiectau Rhieni Sengl
Cysylltu’n Greadigol
Cefnogaeth Cymheiriaid Covid Hir
Ffoaduriaid a Phobl sy'n Ceisio Lloches
Gweithdai Llesiant Rhieni Sengl
Rhaglen Sefydliad Clwb Pêl-droed Dinas Caerdydd (CCFCF).
Y Celfyddydau ac Iechyd Meddwl
Polisi a dylanwad yng Nghymru
Brîff Polisi Iechyd Meddwl a Natur i Gymru
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Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl
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Prosiect Perthyn
Sefyll Gyda’n Gilydd Cymru adroddiad
Prosiect Dad's and Football
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Research in Northern Ireland
Programmes in Northern Ireland
Policy and advocacy in Northern Ireland
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Our people in Northern Ireland
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