What does it mean to be suicidal, what can make someone want to end their life, what can I do if I feel suicidal, and how can I help someone if I’m worried they’re suicidal?
We know that most mental health problems develop by the age of 24. This means that our mental health can be particularly vulnerable during university. Suicides among university students are of particular concern.
Responding to the new statistics on suicide in Scotland, Toni Giugliano, Policy Manager at the Mental Health Foundation, said: "Fewer people died by suicide in 2017 than the previous year, and that is to be welcomed. However, suicide statistics should be analysed over a longer period of time due to yearly fluctuations."
A major free online resource, designed to help reduce suicide, suicidal thoughts and behaviour, is released today by the Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) and the Mental Health Foundation.
The Mental Health Foundation has today welcomed the Scottish government's announcement of £3 million for suicide prevention – but has warned that the full plan, which is due to be published later this month, must include a number of crucial commitments.