Mental health resources for refugees and asylum seekers

Asylum seekers and refugees are at particular risk of mental health problems. These may develop because of their experiences in their countries of origin, during their journeys, or after they arrive in the UK. 

On this page you will find resources to support refugees and asylum seekers with their mental health.

This includes advice translated into Pashto (پښتو), Ukrainian (українська), Dari (دری) and Arabic (عربي).

Lady on phone - square

Educational films for mental well-being

A series of short, captivating films that can be used in refugee communities to support mental health.
Watch the films
Cartoon of multiple people

Short stories from refugees and asylum seekers

We asked people who are refugees or asylum seekers living in Scotland about what gave them hope when they arrived here.
Read the stories

Our experiences of living in a hotel as asylum seekers

Four asylum seekers share their experiences of living in a hotel long-term in Scotland, how this has affected their mental health, and tips and advice for coping. This short documentary was co-produced as part of the Mental Health Foundation's Weaving Threads for Wellbeing programme in Glasgow.

This video is also available with Arabic subtitles.

Podcast: Navigate: A guide to asylum life in Scotland

Laura, Menesia, Mohammed and Samira are volunteers with the Mental Health Foundation's Weaving Threads for Wellbeing project and have experience of the UK's asylum system. Through this project, refugees and people seeking asylum co-produce mental health resources for their community, based on their own experiences. 

Together they have created Navigate: A Guide to Asylum Life in Scotland. They share their experiences and interview experts about four aspects of life in Scotland for people seeking asylum.

  1. Education for people seeking asylum
  2. Volunteering for people seeking asylum
  3.  Working for people seeking asylum
  4.  Banking and finances for people seeking asylum

Download the poster

Text in the centre of the graphic: "Navigate: A guide to asylum life in Scotland." There is an abstract trainline map, and 4 illustrated drawings of the people who have shared their stories for the podcast.
Podcast icon over M shaped graphic

Podcast: "This is what hope looks like"

In a series called 'This is what hope looks like', we capture refugees' stories of hope to inspire others facing similar barriers. 

In our latest episode, Director/Producer Scottish Bafta winner Hassan Nazer, who has lived experience as a refugee, shares the story of his journey and experiences in the UK. 

Listen now


Mental health advice and tips in other languages

Cover of our best mental health tips guide

Our best mental health tips

Our guide provides you with our best tips on how to look after your mental health, available to download in Pashto (پښتو), Ukrainian (українська) or Dari (دری).
Read the guide
Photo of a medical professional taking notes

Talking to your GP about your mental health

Advice and tips about how to talk to your GP about mental health, available in Pashto (پښتو), Ukrainian (українська) or Dari (دری).
Learn more

The mental health of asylum seekers and refugees in the UK

This report presents evidence on the circumstances which asylum seekers and refugees in the UK can face, and how these experiences can harm their mental health and even lead to suicidal feelings and actions. Published February 2024.

Read the report
The mental health of asylum seekers and refugees in the UK - February 2024

Further advice and support for refugees and asylum seekers

Refugee Council

Crisis advice and mental health support to help people settle within their new community.

Freedom from Torture

UNHCR - the UN Refugee Agency

Information about help available for refugees and asylum seekers for countries around the world in lots of different languages.

The Royal College of Psychiatrists

The City of Sanctuary resources