Past programmes in Wales
Arts and mental health in Wales
We worked on a platform for arts and mental health in Wales, while working with organisations as Learning Partners to explore how the arts can be beneficial to them and their impact on mental health.
Creating Connections
Creating Connections ran between 2014 to 2016, as a programme of self-management and peer support to single parents in Wales.
Parc Prison Peer-led Self-Management Project
This self-management programme ran courses on mental health for inmates of the UK prison environment for the first time, at Parc men's Prison, Bridgend in South Wales.
The Perthyn Project
The Perthyn project ran from January 2019 for a year (‘Perthyn’ meaning ‘Belonging’ in Welsh).
The Resilience Project
This programme was aimed at building greater capacity, expertise and mental health resilience for children and young people, primarily through educational settings.
Standing Together Cymru
This was a three-year programme based in Newport, Wales, that ran 30 weekly peer support groups in retirement and extra care housing schemes.