Submit your image

What we're looking for

How does being part of your community help you thrive? To celebrate this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week theme of “community”, we have opened our image library for submissions, and we’d love to see photos.

We know that being part of a community is vital for our mental health and wellbeing. We thrive when we have strong connections with others and supportive communities around us. 

Your community could be at school or work, through your faith, at a club where you enjoy a hobby, as part of a group inspiring action for positive change, an online game, or even through a love of Taylor Swift! 

Importantly, a community should make you feel good about yourself, feel safe, and feel empathy towards others.

The images you submit will be freely available for people to use. Images submitted should be:

  • Your own images
  • High quality, high resolution images
  • Show people engaging in activities in their community, in line with the recommendation from our research on the previous page.


  • Our panel will select a shortlist of the best images contributed to the library.
  • Members of Our Personal Experience Network will be invited to vote for their favourite "Community" image.
  • The winner will receive £200 in high street vouchers.
  • Submit your 'Community' images by 21 March 2025 to qualify for entry to the competition.

About you

We will only use your personal details to contact you about your submission and entry to the competition or prize draw. We will use your name to credit your photo where it's included in the image library. Read our privacy policy.

Your image

One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Describe what the image shows
We'll be in touch with you if we'd like to use your experience as part of our Mental Health Awareness Week campaign. We will not publish it without your permission. 

Would you like to hear from us?

Thank you for helping us create a world with good mental health for all. We'll use your details above to keep you updated about your submission to the image library, but we'd also like to contact you about our work, campaigns, programmes and other ways you can support our life-changing work. Please let us know how you would like to hear from us:


To learn how we collect and use your information, please read our privacy policy.