UOK? is our innovative programme working with colleges and universities across England to empower students to take their well-being into their own hands.
Read : UOK?UOK? is our innovative programme working with colleges and universities across England to empower students to take their well-being into their own hands.
Read : UOK?The Becoming a Man (BAM) programme is a mental well-being intervention adapted from the US that aims to support young men’s personal development by taking into account their lived experience and the often difficult environments they must navigate.
Read : Becoming a Man (BAM)The Small Talk, Big Change podcast explores critical issues impacting the mental health and wellbeing of children, young people, and families.
Read : Small Talk, Big Change podcast13th Sep 2018 / Families, children and young people
Our response to Audit Scotland’s report on children and young people’s mental health services.
Read : Response to Audit Scotland report on youth mental health servicesWe are running this project with the University of Sussex to help students’ mental health.
Read : SITUATE projectKidsTime Workshops provide a fun, safe and supportive environment where families affected by mental ill-health can come together to learn about mental health and support each other.
Read : KidsTime WorkshopsWhat self-harm is, why people do it, and getting support.
Read : Self-harmThe symptoms and causes of bulimia, and support that is available.
Read : Bulimia nervosaWhat body image means, how it affects your mental health and what causes body image concerns.
Read : Body imageSymptoms and causes of eating disorders, and help that is available.
Read : Eating disorders