Mental Health Awareness Week

This year, Mental Health Awareness Week will take place from 12 to 18 May 2025

The theme for 2025 is 'Community', and we want to use Mental Health Awareness Week to celebrate the power and importance of community. 

Being part of a safe, positive community is vital for our mental health and wellbeing. We thrive when we have strong connections with other people and supportive communities that remind us, we are not alone. Communities can provide a sense of belonging, safety, support in hard times, and give us a sense purpose. 

Mental Health Awareness Week 2025 logo

We'll be providing expert information and guidance on how community supports good mental health, ideas for how to cultivate mentally healthy communities, sharing inspiring stories from communities across the UK, and encouraging people and organisations to get involved with activities and events. 

We have a collection of resources and other useful information to help get you started, promote your activity and show your support for the work that we do.

Get involved

How will you celebrate the power of community this Mental Health Awareness Week? Explore ways that you can get involved below.

MHAW poster on a dark purple background


Download our logos, posters and social media assets to help you get involved in the week.
Download resources
Wear it green day logo on a dark green background

Wear it Green Day

Organise a Wear It Green Day at your school, organisation or with family and friends.
Find out more

Why community?

This Mental Health Awareness Week we want to celebrate the communities that support us to protect and nurture good mental health. 

We know that we thrive when we have strong connections with others and supportive communities around us. We also know that people who are more socially connected to family, friends, or their community are happier, physically healthier, and live longer, with fewer mental health problems than people who are less well connected.   

Communities can provide us with a sense of belonging, safety, support in hard times, and give us purpose.

Read the blog

A group of young men and women on a hiking trip in the woods

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Keep up with all our work including Mental Health Awareness Week. Follow us on social media.

Support good mental health for all

Your support helps us run Mental Health Awareness Week every year and continue our work year-round to make sure that no-one is deprived of the opportunity for good mental health because of who they are, the community they come from or where they live.

Make a donation

Donate to help us develop better ways to support good mental health in every community.
Hand-drawn heart on an orange M-shaped backgrround

Order a green ribbon

Wear your green ribbon pin year-round to show your support for good mental health for all.
Someone holding a green ribbon pin badge

Take on a skydive

Face your fears and take on an exhilarating skydive for Mental Health Awareness Week.
Skydivers in front of an M-shaped blue sky background

About Mental Health Awareness Week

Since 2001, the Mental Health Foundation has been leading Mental Health Awareness Week - bringing together the UK to focus on getting good mental health. Each May, millions of people from every part of society take part. They include people in schools and further education; private, public and charity sectors; families and individuals.

Find out more

Thanks to our partners

Mental Health Awareness Week wouldn’t be possible without the support of our partners.

Mental Health Awareness Week partner logos

Find out more about our partners

Partner with us for Mental Health Awareness Week 2025

Find out how you could work with us on the UK's largest mental health campaign.

Partner with us

Previous Mental Health Awareness Week themes