Everyone deserves
good mental health
Today I want to:

Mental Health Awareness Week 2025
Mental Health Awareness Week will take place from 12 to 18 May 2025, and the theme is 'Community'.
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Information and guidance

A-Z Topics
Find out more about specific mental health problems, and things that can have an effect on our mental health.
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How-to guides
In-depth how-to guides about a wide range of mental health problems, free to download and read.
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Looking after your mental health
We want everyone to live mentally healthy lives. Luckily, there is plenty of evidence for the things that can help.
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Supporting someone else with their mental health
You can do many things to help if someone you know is experiencing mental ill-health.
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Our prevention mission
Prevention is about looking for the root causes of today's problems. Our work looks to address these issues through research, community work and influencing policy.
What we do
Support our work

Explore the range of active challenges available across the UK. Get fit and raise money for the Mental Health Foundation, at the same time.
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Your donation, however big or small, will help us achieve good mental health for all - not just for some.
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Our Personal Experience Network, OPEN, is a diverse online community of people who share their experience to inform what we do.
Join the community

Raise awareness for mental health by wearing the green ribbon or other Mental Health Foundation merchandise.
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